The movie starts in the past with the story of Damo. Surya as Damo showed peace, anguish, sadness and anger at the same time. Remarkable first 20 minutes or so. Great visual impact with the colours of the blue waters and the green forest stunning and mesmerising.
Travel sequence of 5 minutes showing a slow transformation of a king to a monk was rendered impeccably. However, the impact was lost in the background music. The impact of why someone won over a small tribe or village could have been better portrayed. Why does someone who makes such a bold movie with a not so run of the mill story having scientific explanations far beyond layman understanding still feels compulsive to add unwarranted song sequences? A bold movie could be bold throughout. I completely fail to understand how a hero dances in middle or the road and suddenly self work minded people start to dance. Un andhi - song was good though did not fit in IMO.
The camera work and cinematography is awesome. Can't see how someone can show nature that is already beautiful, even better. A great tamil launch for Shruti though, well deserved for someone who is so talented and she has done a decent job. Much better than her rather forgettable performance in Luck.
Concept of love is such a misconception in tamil movies. Genetic engineer vs circus performer? No offence to any profession bur seriously in the material world that we live in? Again, underestimating the collective intelligence of an audience? Movies don't have to be about an ideal world, does it? So hard to believe this happening in real life. But the problem with healthcare and nonchalance of some doctors are well portrayed.
The sequence on hypnotism and the ensuing fight scene though matrix like, are really good. My knowledge on hypnotism is good as my Russian, but my wife says to do it to multiple people at one time is very difficult! Certain disjointed points - can't see how the first series of police murders did not cause enough panic for city to be on alert. Songs are an obvious disruption. Can't see how shruti who is a genetic engineering student goes to see a contagious disease ward without any protection. How someone with no background of Chennai can find the leads everywhere (The Chinese killer!). Cannot believe how the solution took a bunch of high fly engineers so long. And for a long time certain mass murders remain unsolved, Chennai police are good! Again, I'm no expert on DNA, but certain aspects of the whole transition are not well explained! Maybe more effort could have been used in explaining the science. An educated movie goer will be left with more bewildering questions than answers! You will know what i mean when you walk out of the movie!
For once I agree with the moral of a movie. Teach practices as science and not religion. That will help people follow them and understand them.
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